- big
- adj.VERBS▪ be, look, seem▪ become, get, growADVERB▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc.▪
This is a fairly big decision to make.
▪We were hoping the show would be a really big success.
▪This house is rather big for us. We need something smaller.
▪ incredibly▪ awfully▪ a little, slightly, etc.▪ potentially▪a potentially big drawback
PHRASES▪ big fat▪The whole story is just a big fat lie.
▪ great big▪He was a short man with great big glasses.
Big is used with these nouns: ↑accomplishment, ↑acquisition, ↑advance, ↑advantage, ↑adventure, ↑airline, ↑airport, ↑ambition, ↑appetite, ↑argument, ↑armchair, ↑asset, ↑attraction, ↑audience, ↑baby, ↑backlog, ↑band, ↑bang, ↑bank, ↑bash, ↑bedroom, ↑believer, ↑belly, ↑bet, ↑bill, ↑bit, ↑block, ↑blow, ↑blunder, ↑bomb, ↑bonus, ↑boom, ↑boost, ↑boss, ↑boy, ↑break, ↑breakfast, ↑breakthrough, ↑breast, ↑breath, ↑brother, ↑budget, ↑building, ↑bully, ↑bum, ↑bump, ↑bunch, ↑bundle, ↑business, ↑campaign, ↑cat, ↑catastrophe, ↑catch, ↑celebration, ↑celebrity, ↑chain, ↑challenge, ↑chance, ↑change, ↑cheer, ↑cheque, ↑chest, ↑chunk, ↑city, ↑clap, ↑class, ↑client, ↑climax, ↑closet, ↑clump, ↑collection, ↑comeback, ↑commission, ↑commitment, ↑commotion, ↑company, ↑compliment, ↑con, ↑concert, ↑conglomerate, ↑conspiracy, ↑consumer, ↑contract, ↑contribution, ↑contributor, ↑corporation, ↑coup, ↑cover-up, ↑crack, ↑crime, ↑crowd, ↑crush, ↑cuddle, ↑culprit, ↑cupboard, ↑customer, ↑cut, ↑danger, ↑day, ↑debt, ↑decision, ↑demand, ↑demonstration, ↑dent, ↑departure, ↑desk, ↑developer, ↑difference, ↑dilemma, ↑dinner, ↑disadvantage, ↑disappointment, ↑disaster, ↑discount, ↑discovery, ↑discrepancy, ↑distraction, ↑distributor, ↑divide, ↑dividend, ↑donor, ↑door, ↑drawback, ↑dream, ↑drive, ↑drop, ↑ear, ↑earthquake, ↑eater, ↑edge, ↑effort, ↑ego, ↑emphasis, ↑empire, ↑employer, ↑engine, ↑entrance, ↑eruption, ↑estate, ↑event, ↑exception, ↑exhibit, ↑exhibition, ↑expansion, ↑expectation, ↑expense, ↑explosion, ↑exporter, ↑eye, ↑factor, ↑failure, ↑fall, ↑family, ↑fan, ↑farm, ↑farmer, ↑fault, ↑favour, ↑favourite, ↑fear, ↑feast, ↑feature, ↑fellow, ↑festival, ↑fight, ↑find, ↑fine, ↑fire, ↑fireplace, ↑firm, ↑flat, ↑flaw, ↑flop, ↑flower, ↑following, ↑fool, ↑foot, ↑frame, ↑freeze, ↑frustration, ↑fuss, ↑gain, ↑gamble, ↑game, ↑gap, ↑garden, ↑gash, ↑gasp, ↑gate, ↑gathering, ↑government, ↑grin, ↑group, ↑gulf, ↑gulp, ↑gun, ↑guy, ↑handbag, ↑handicap, ↑haul, ↑hazard, ↑headache, ↑heap, ↑heart, ↑help, ↑helping, ↑hero, ↑hill, ↑hindrance, ↑hint, ↑hit, ↑hoard, ↑hole, ↑hope, ↑hotel, ↑house, ↑hug, ↑hurdle, ↑hurry, ↑idea, ↑idiot, ↑idol, ↑impact, ↑impression, ↑improvement, ↑incentive, ↑increase, ↑influence, ↑investor, ↑issue, ↑job, ↑jump, ↑kick, ↑kid, ↑killer, ↑kiss, ↑kitchen, ↑lad, ↑lake, ↑laugh, ↑lead, ↑league, ↑leap, ↑lender, ↑lesson, ↑letter, ↑liar, ↑lie, ↑lift, ↑limousine, ↑loophole, ↑lorry, ↑loser, ↑loss, ↑lump, ↑lure, ↑majority, ↑mall, ↑man, ↑mansion, ↑manufacturer, ↑market, ↑match, ↑meal, ↑meet, ↑merger, ↑mess, ↑misconception, ↑mistake, ↑misunderstanding, ↑moment, ↑money, ↑monster, ↑mortgage, ↑mound, ↑mountain, ↑mouth, ↑move, ↑movement, ↑movie, ↑mug, ↑multinational, ↑mystery, ↑name, ↑need, ↑news, ↑night, ↑nose, ↑number, ↑obstacle, ↑occasion, ↑office, ↑operation, ↑operator, ↑opportunity, ↑package, ↑parade, ↑part, ↑penis, ↑pension, ↑picture, ↑piece, ↑pile, ↑play, ↑player, ↑pond, ↑pool, ↑prize, ↑problem, ↑producer, ↑profit, ↑project, ↑promise, ↑publisher, ↑push, ↑question, ↑question mark, ↑race, ↑rally, ↑reason, ↑rebate, ↑reception, ↑reduction, ↑regret, ↑resort, ↑responsibility, ↑retailer, ↑return, ↑reunion, ↑revelation, ↑reward, ↑rise, ↑risk, ↑rivalry, ↑roadblock, ↑role, ↑room, ↑row, ↑rush, ↑sacrifice, ↑salary, ↑saving, ↑scale, ↑scandal, ↑scene, ↑score, ↑screen, ↑secret, ↑setback, ↑shake-up, ↑shareholder, ↑shock, ↑shopping centre, ↑show, ↑sigh, ↑sister, ↑sky, ↑slice, ↑smile, ↑snag, ↑sob, ↑sound, ↑spider, ↑splash, ↑sponsor, ↑stake, ↑star, ↑step, ↑stick, ↑stink, ↑stir, ↑store, ↑storm, ↑story, ↑stride, ↑studio, ↑stumbling block, ↑subject, ↑subsidy, ↑success, ↑supplier, ↑supporter, ↑surf, ↑surge, ↑surplus, ↑surprise, ↑swig, ↑swing, ↑switch, ↑table, ↑talk, ↑thank you, ↑thing, ↑thinker, ↑threat, ↑thrill, ↑tip, ↑toe, ↑tooth, ↑town, ↑tragedy, ↑treat, ↑tree, ↑trend, ↑trouble, ↑truck, ↑turn-off, ↑turning point, ↑turnout, ↑undertaking, ↑union, ↑unknown, ↑upheaval, ↑uproar, ↑upset, ↑victory, ↑village, ↑vocabulary, ↑voice, ↑void, ↑waste, ↑wave, ↑weakness, ↑wedding, ↑welcome, ↑win, ↑window, ↑winner, ↑word, ↑worry, ↑yard, ↑yawn, ↑year
Collocations dictionary. 2013.