- large
- adj.VERBS▪ be▪ appear, feel, look, seem▪
Some of the clothes looked very large.
▪ become, get, grow▪By this time his debt had become extremely large.
▪The plant had grown quite large.
▪ remain▪ loom▪The issue looms large in political campaigns nationwide.
ADVERB▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc.▪Isn't that sweater rather large?
▪ especially, exceedingly, exceptionally, incredibly, particularly▪ comparatively, moderately, reasonably, relatively▪ enough, sufficiently▪Are you sure the hall will be large enough?
▪ correspondingly, equally, similarly▪a huge chair behind an equally large desk
▪ increasingly▪the increasingly large numbers of senior citizens
▪ infinitely▪The universe is infinitely large.
▪ abnormally, disproportionately, impossibly, overly, ridiculously, surprisingly, unexpectedly, unusually▪His eyes were abnormally large.
▪Our house was not overly large.
Large is used with these nouns: ↑accumulation, ↑advance, ↑airline, ↑airport, ↑allowance, ↑amount, ↑apartment, ↑appetite, ↑area, ↑armchair, ↑army, ↑array, ↑assortment, ↑attendance, ↑audience, ↑backlog, ↑bank, ↑batch, ↑bathroom, ↑beak, ↑bedroom, ↑belly, ↑bequest, ↑bet, ↑bill, ↑birthmark, ↑bit, ↑bloc, ↑block, ↑body, ↑bomb, ↑bonus, ↑bosom, ↑bouquet, ↑bowel, ↑brandy, ↑breakfast, ↑breast, ↑broadcaster, ↑budget, ↑building, ↑bulk, ↑bump, ↑bunch, ↑bundle, ↑bureaucracy, ↑business, ↑campus, ↑capacity, ↑casserole, ↑cast, ↑catch, ↑category, ↑cave, ↑chain, ↑chamber, ↑cheque, ↑chunk, ↑circulation, ↑city, ↑claim, ↑class, ↑claw, ↑client, ↑clientele, ↑closet, ↑clump, ↑cluster, ↑coke, ↑collection, ↑colony, ↑community, ↑company, ↑complement, ↑complex, ↑concentration, ↑conglomerate, ↑congregation, ↑construction, ↑consumer, ↑contingent, ↑contract, ↑contribution, ↑contributor, ↑corporation, ↑crack, ↑crater, ↑creditor, ↑cross section, ↑crowd, ↑crystal, ↑cupboard, ↑customer, ↑cut, ↑database, ↑debt, ↑decline, ↑decrease, ↑deficit, ↑degree, ↑delegation, ↑delivery, ↑demonstration, ↑dent, ↑deposit, ↑desk, ↑diameter, ↑difference, ↑dimension, ↑dining room, ↑discount, ↑discrepancy, ↑distance, ↑distributor, ↑dividend, ↑donation, ↑donor, ↑dose, ↑dowry, ↑driveway, ↑drop, ↑ear, ↑earthquake, ↑ego, ↑element, ↑empire, ↑employer, ↑engine, ↑enrolment, ↑enterprise, ↑envelope, ↑estate, ↑excess, ↑exhibition, ↑expanse, ↑expenditure, ↑explosion, ↑exporter, ↑eye, ↑facility, ↑factory, ↑fall, ↑family, ↑farm, ↑farmer, ↑fee, ↑figure, ↑file, ↑fine, ↑fireplace, ↑firm, ↑fist, ↑fleet, ↑flow, ↑flower, ↑fluctuation, ↑following, ↑force, ↑format, ↑fortune, ↑fraction, ↑frame, ↑fry, ↑fund, ↑funeral, ↑galaxy, ↑gap, ↑garden, ↑gate, ↑gathering, ↑gin, ↑grain, ↑grant, ↑grin, ↑ground, ↑group, ↑gulp, ↑handbag, ↑handful, ↑harvest, ↑haul, ↑heap, ↑helping, ↑herd, ↑hoard, ↑hole, ↑hotel, ↑house, ↑incision, ↑income, ↑increase, ↑influx, ↑inheritance, ↑institution, ↑intestine, ↑investment, ↑investor, ↑kitchen, ↑lake, ↑lender, ↑letter, ↑library, ↑loaf, ↑loan, ↑lorry, ↑lot, ↑lump, ↑machine, ↑majority, ↑male, ↑mall, ↑mammal, ↑manor, ↑mansion, ↑manufacturer, ↑margin, ↑market, ↑marquee, ↑merger, ↑military, ↑minority, ↑monster, ↑moon, ↑motor, ↑mound, ↑mountain, ↑mouth, ↑mouthful, ↑mug, ↑multinational, ↑nation, ↑network, ↑nose, ↑number, ↑object, ↑office, ↑opening, ↑operator, ↑orchestra, ↑order, ↑organization, ↑outbreak, ↑outfit, ↑outlay, ↑output, ↑overdraft, ↑painting, ↑pan, ↑parcel, ↑part, ↑penis, ↑percentage, ↑piece, ↑pile, ↑pizza, ↑pocket, ↑pond, ↑pool, ↑population, ↑portion, ↑print, ↑procession, ↑producer, ↑profit, ↑project, ↑proportion, ↑publisher, ↑purchase, ↑quantity, ↑rally, ↑range, ↑reception, ↑reconstruction, ↑reduction, ↑region, ↑repertoire, ↑representation, ↑reproduction, ↑reserve, ↑reservoir, ↑resort, ↑resource, ↑restaurant, ↑retailer, ↑reward, ↑rise, ↑river, ↑rock, ↑role, ↑room, ↑salary, ↑sample, ↑saucepan, ↑scale, ↑scar, ↑screen, ↑section, ↑selection, ↑set, ↑settlement, ↑shape, ↑share, ↑shareholder, ↑sheet, ↑shipment, ↑shopping centre, ↑shrub, ↑sieve, ↑sip, ↑size, ↑skillet, ↑slab, ↑slice, ↑snake, ↑source, ↑space, ↑specimen, ↑spider, ↑splash, ↑stake, ↑statue, ↑step, ↑stock, ↑stockbroker, ↑stomach, ↑store, ↑stretch, ↑studio, ↑subsidy, ↑sum, ↑supply, ↑surplus, ↑swig, ↑table, ↑tanker, ↑tear, ↑theatre, ↑tip, ↑topic, ↑town, ↑trader, ↑tree, ↑trial, ↑truck, ↑turnout, ↑turnover, ↑undertaking, ↑union, ↑unit, ↑user, ↑utility, ↑valley, ↑variety, ↑village, ↑vocabulary, ↑void, ↑volume, ↑weight, ↑whisky, ↑window, ↑workforce, ↑yard
Collocations dictionary. 2013.