
Major is used with these nouns: ↑accident, ↑accomplishment, ↑achievement, ↑acquisition, ↑addition, ↑adjustment, ↑advance, ↑advantage, ↑aim, ↑airline, ↑airport, ↑alteration, ↑amendment, ↑appliance, ↑argument, ↑artery, ↑article, ↑artist, ↑aspect, ↑assault, ↑asset, ↑attack, ↑attraction, ↑award, ↑bank, ↑barrier, ↑battle, ↑benefactor, ↑benefit, ↑bleeding, ↑blood vessel, ↑blow, ↑blunder, ↑bonus, ↑boost, ↑brand, ↑breach, ↑breakthrough, ↑broadcaster, ↑campaign, ↑capital, ↑catastrophe, ↑cause, ↑celebrity, ↑centre, ↑chain, ↑challenge, ↑championship, ↑change, ↑characteristic, ↑chord, ↑city, ↑client, ↑collection, ↑collector, ↑commitment, ↑company, ↑competition, ↑competitor, ↑complaint, ↑complication, ↑component, ↑composer, ↑concern, ↑concession, ↑concussion, ↑conflict, ↑confrontation, ↑consequence, ↑consideration, ↑constraint, ↑contender, ↑contract, ↑contribution, ↑contributor, ↑controversy, ↑corporation, ↑coup, ↑crackdown, ↑crash, ↑crime, ↑crisis, ↑critic, ↑criticism, ↑crush, ↑culprit, ↑currency, ↑customer, ↑cut, ↑cutback, ↑deal, ↑decision, ↑decline, ↑defeat, ↑defect, ↑deficiency, ↑delay, ↑demand, ↑demonstration, ↑departure, ↑depression, ↑destination, ↑developer, ↑development, ↑difference, ↑difficulty, ↑dimension, ↑disadvantage, ↑disagreement, ↑disappointment, ↑disaster, ↑discipline, ↑discount, ↑discovery, ↑discrepancy, ↑dispute, ↑disruption, ↑distinction, ↑distraction, ↑distributor, ↑disturbance, ↑diversion, ↑donor, ↑drain, ↑drawback, ↑earthquake, ↑effect, ↑effort, ↑element, ↑embarrassment, ↑emergency, ↑emphasis, ↑employer, ↑enquiry, ↑epidemic, ↑episode, ↑error, ↑eruption, ↑escalation, ↑event, ↑exception, ↑exercise, ↑exhibit, ↑exhibition, ↑expansion, ↑expedition, ↑expenditure, ↑expense, ↑explosion, ↑export, ↑exporter, ↑extension, ↑faction, ↑factor, ↑failing, ↑fault, ↑feat, ↑feature, ↑festival, ↑figure, ↑find, ↑firm, ↑fit, ↑fixture, ↑flaw, ↑focus, ↑force, ↑freeway, ↑function, ↑gain, ↑gamble, ↑goal, ↑handicap, ↑hazard, ↑headache, ↑heading, ↑highlight, ↑highway, ↑hindrance, ↑hoard, ↑honour, ↑hostility, ↑hurdle, ↑hurricane, ↑illness, ↑impact, ↑impediment, ↑impetus, ↑implication, ↑import, ↑importance, ↑improvement, ↑incentive, ↑incident, ↑inconvenience, ↑increase, ↑indicator, ↑industry, ↑influence, ↑ingredient, ↑initiative, ↑injury, ↑innovation, ↑input, ↑institution, ↑instrument, ↑interstate, ↑investment, ↑investor, ↑irritation, ↑issue, ↑item, ↑journal, ↑key, ↑killer, ↑label, ↑landmark, ↑lapse, ↑league, ↑leak, ↑lender, ↑limitation, ↑loss, ↑magazine, ↑manufacturer, ↑meet, ↑merger, ↑milestone, ↑misconception, ↑mishap, ↑modification, ↑monument, ↑motivation, ↑move, ↑multinational, ↑museum, ↑nation, ↑news, ↑newspaper, ↑objection, ↑objective, ↑obstacle, ↑offence, ↑offensive, ↑omission, ↑operation, ↑orchestra, ↑organ, ↑organization, ↑outbreak, ↑outlet, ↑overhaul, ↑part, ↑participant, ↑party, ↑pest, ↑picture, ↑plank, ↑player, ↑point, ↑pollutant, ↑port, ↑portion, ↑power, ↑preoccupation, ↑priority, ↑problem, ↑producer, ↑programme, ↑project, ↑proportion, ↑publication, ↑publisher, ↑purchase, ↑push, ↑question mark, ↑raid, ↑rally, ↑reappraisal, ↑reason, ↑rebellion, ↑recession, ↑recipient, ↑recommendation, ↑reconstruction, ↑redistribution, ↑reduction, ↑redundancy, ↑reform, ↑religion, ↑renovation, ↑reorganization, ↑repair, ↑repercussion, ↑report, ↑reservation, ↑resort, ↑resource, ↑responsibility, ↑restoration, ↑restriction, ↑retailer, ↑rethink, ↑reverse, ↑review, ↑revision, ↑revival, ↑riot, ↑risk, ↑rival, ↑river, ↑road, ↑roadblock, ↑role, ↑route, ↑row, ↑saving, ↑scale, ↑scandal, ↑scare, ↑scheme, ↑search, ↑setback, ↑shake-up, ↑share, ↑shareholder, ↑shift, ↑shock, ↑shopping centre, ↑shortcoming, ↑show, ↑side effect, ↑significance, ↑site, ↑snag, ↑source, ↑speech, ↑split, ↑sponsor, ↑sponsorship, ↑sport, ↑star, ↑step, ↑stimulus, ↑stockholder, ↑store, ↑storm, ↑stress, ↑strike, ↑studio, ↑study, ↑stumbling block, ↑success, ↑supermarket, ↑supplier, ↑surgery, ↑surprise, ↑survey, ↑talent, ↑tantrum, ↑target, ↑task, ↑theme, ↑threat, ↑thrust, ↑tool, ↑topic, ↑tournament, ↑town, ↑tragedy, ↑transformation, ↑trauma, ↑trend, ↑tributary, ↑triumph, ↑trophy, ↑trouble, ↑turn-off, ↑turning point, ↑type, ↑undertaking, ↑union, ↑university, ↑upheaval, ↑upset, ↑utility, ↑variation, ↑vehicle, ↑venue, ↑victory, ↑violation, ↑watershed, ↑weakness, ↑work, ↑worry, ↑writer

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Major — Major …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • major — [ maʒɔr ] adj. et n. • XVIe; en provenç., XIIIe; lat. major, compar. de magnus « grand » I ♦ Adj. Milit. Supérieur par le rang (dans quelques comp.).⇒ état major, tambour major. Médecin major. Sergent major. II ♦ N. 1 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Major — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Major (homonymie). Major est un grade militaire, qui se situe différemment dans la hiérarchie militaire suivant les pays. Il désigne le premier grade d officier supérieur ou, dans l armée française, un grade… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Major — ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad verschiedener Länder. Er gehört zur Dienstgradgruppe der Stabsoffiziere. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Historisches 2 Deutschland 3 Österreich 4 Schweiz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • major — MAJÓR, Ă, majori, e, adj. 1. (Despre oameni) Care a împlinit vârsta legală pentru a putea beneficia prin lege de drepturi civile şi politice depline. 2. Foarte important, principal. ♦ (log.: în sintagmele) Termen major = predicatul concluziei… …   Dicționar Român

  • Major — Ma jor, [L. major, compar. of magnus great: cf. F. majeur. Cf. {Master}, {Mayor}, {Magnitude}, {More}, a.] 1. Greater in number, quantity, or extent; as, the major part of the assembly; the major part of the revenue; the major part of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • major — Major. s. m. Officier de guerre dans un corps, qui porte les ordres des Commandants à tous les autres Officiers. Le Major d un Regiment. le Major de, la place. Major des Gardes du Corps, Est un Officier qui fait servir les Gardes auprés du Roy, & …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • major — [mā′jər] adj. [ME maiour < L major, compar. of magnus, great: see MAGNI ] 1. a) greater in size, amount, number, or extent b) greater in importance or rank 2. of full legal age 3. constituting the majority: said of a part, etc …   English World dictionary

  • major — is commonly used, especially in journalism, to mean ‘important, significant’, without any notion of comparison inherent in the word s origins. A political leader invariably gives a major speech, a reference book is published in a major new… …   Modern English usage

  • Major — Ma jor, n. [F. major. See {Major}, a.] 1. (Mil.) An officer next in rank above a captain and next below a lieutenant colonel; the lowest field officer. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A person of full age. [1913 Webster] 3. (Logic) That premise which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • major in — ˈmajor in [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they major in he/she/it majors in present participle majoring in past tense majored in past p …   Useful english dictionary

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