- political
- adj.VERBS▪ be▪ become, get▪
We have no intention of getting political.
ADVERB▪ highly, very▪This whole issue has become highly political.
▪ explicitly, overtly▪the overtly political works of Leon Golub
▪ purely▪the first purely political decision taken by the EU
▪ inherently▪The royal family has an inherently political role.
Political is used with these nouns: ↑accountability, ↑act, ↑action, ↑activity, ↑acumen, ↑advance, ↑advantage, ↑advertisement, ↑adviser, ↑affair, ↑agenda, ↑agitation, ↑aim, ↑alienation, ↑alignment, ↑allegiance, ↑alliance, ↑ally, ↑ambition, ↑amnesty, ↑analysis, ↑analyst, ↑apathy, ↑appointment, ↑arena, ↑argument, ↑aspect, ↑aspiration, ↑assassination, ↑associate, ↑association, ↑asylum, ↑atmosphere, ↑authority, ↑autonomy, ↑awakening, ↑awareness, ↑backdrop, ↑background, ↑backlash, ↑balance, ↑bargaining, ↑barometer, ↑base, ↑belief, ↑bent, ↑bias, ↑blackmail, ↑blog, ↑blunder, ↑breakthrough, ↑camp, ↑campaign, ↑capital, ↑career, ↑cartoon, ↑cause, ↑censorship, ↑challenge, ↑change, ↑chaos, ↑character, ↑circle, ↑circumstance, ↑class, ↑climate, ↑clout, ↑coalition, ↑comeback, ↑comment, ↑commentary, ↑commentator, ↑commitment, ↑complexion, ↑complication, ↑compromise, ↑concept, ↑condition, ↑conflict, ↑conformity, ↑confrontation, ↑connection, ↑connotation, ↑conscience, ↑consciousness, ↑consensus, ↑consequence, ↑conservatism, ↑conservative, ↑consideration, ↑conspiracy, ↑constituency, ↑consultant, ↑contest, ↑context, ↑control, ↑controversy, ↑convenience, ↑convention, ↑conviction, ↑cooperation, ↑correctness, ↑correspondent, ↑corruption, ↑cost, ↑courage, ↑cover, ↑cowardice, ↑credentials, ↑credibility, ↑creed, ↑crime, ↑crisis, ↑critique, ↑culture, ↑currency, ↑cynicism, ↑deadlock, ↑deal, ↑debate, ↑decision, ↑decline, ↑defeat, ↑demand, ↑demise, ↑democracy, ↑demonstration, ↑destiny, ↑development, ↑dialogue, ↑difference, ↑dilemma, ↑dimension, ↑directive, ↑disagreement, ↑disaster, ↑discontent, ↑discord, ↑discussion, ↑disillusionment, ↑disintegration, ↑disorder, ↑dispute, ↑disruption, ↑dissent, ↑dissident, ↑disturbance, ↑diversity, ↑divide, ↑dividend, ↑division, ↑doctrine, ↑dogma, ↑dominance, ↑domination, ↑donation, ↑dynamite, ↑dynasty, ↑economist, ↑economy, ↑editor, ↑effectiveness, ↑elite, ↑embarrassment, ↑end, ↑endeavour, ↑enemy, ↑engagement, ↑entity, ↑environment, ↑equality, ↑establishment, ↑event, ↑evolution, ↑excitement, ↑exclusion, ↑execution, ↑executive, ↑exercise, ↑exile, ↑explanation, ↑expression, ↑extreme, ↑extremist, ↑fabric, ↑faction, ↑factor, ↑fate, ↑favour, ↑fence, ↑ferment, ↑fervour, ↑figure, ↑flavour, ↑foe, ↑folly, ↑football, ↑force, ↑formation, ↑formula, ↑fortune, ↑forum, ↑foundation, ↑framework, ↑freedom, ↑furore, ↑future, ↑gain, ↑gamble, ↑gathering, ↑geography, ↑gesture, ↑goal, ↑grievance, ↑ground, ↑harmony, ↑heir, ↑hierarchy, ↑historian, ↑history, ↑honour, ↑horizon, ↑idea, ↑ideal, ↑identity, ↑ideology, ↑imagination, ↑impact, ↑impasse, ↑implication, ↑importance, ↑impotence, ↑impulse, ↑inactivity, ↑incentive, ↑inclination, ↑independence, ↑inertia, ↑influence, ↑initiative, ↑injustice, ↑instability, ↑instinct, ↑institution, ↑instrument, ↑integration, ↑integrity, ↑interest, ↑interference, ↑intervention, ↑intrigue, ↑involvement, ↑isolation, ↑issue, ↑journalist, ↑judgement, ↑justification, ↑killing, ↑landscape, ↑leader, ↑leadership, ↑level, ↑leverage, ↑liberal, ↑liberalism, ↑liberty, ↑life, ↑line, ↑link, ↑lobby, ↑logic, ↑loyalty, ↑machine, ↑mainstream, ↑mandate, ↑manifesto, ↑manipulation, ↑manoeuvre, ↑map, ↑master, ↑matter, ↑meeting, ↑memoir, ↑message, ↑minefield, ↑miscalculation, ↑model, ↑momentum, ↑morality, ↑motivation, ↑motive, ↑mouthpiece, ↑move, ↑movement, ↑myth, ↑mythology, ↑nationalism, ↑nature, ↑necessity, ↑need, ↑negotiation, ↑neutrality, ↑novice, ↑objective, ↑oblivion, ↑observer, ↑obstacle, ↑offence, ↑office, ↑opening, ↑opinion, ↑opponent, ↑opposition, ↑oppression, ↑order, ↑organ, ↑organization, ↑orthodoxy, ↑outcome, ↑outlook, ↑outsider, ↑overtone, ↑pamphlet, ↑paralysis, ↑participation, ↑party, ↑passion, ↑past, ↑persecution, ↑personality, ↑perspective, ↑persuasion, ↑phenomenon, ↑philosopher, ↑philosophy, ↑platform, ↑ploy, ↑point of view, ↑poll, ↑position, ↑power, ↑preference, ↑prejudice, ↑pressure, ↑prestige, ↑principle, ↑prisoner, ↑problem, ↑process, ↑profile, ↑programme, ↑prominence, ↑propaganda, ↑protest, ↑protester, ↑purpose, ↑question, ↑rally, ↑realism, ↑reality, ↑realm, ↑reason, ↑reconciliation, ↑reconstruction, ↑reform, ↑refugee, ↑regime, ↑relation, ↑relevance, ↑repercussion, ↑reporter, ↑representation, ↑representative, ↑repression, ↑reprisal, ↑resistance, ↑respectability, ↑response, ↑responsibility, ↑restraint, ↑retribution, ↑revolution, ↑rhetoric, ↑riot, ↑risk, ↑rival, ↑rivalry, ↑roadblock, ↑role, ↑row, ↑satire, ↑scandal, ↑scene, ↑science, ↑scientist, ↑season, ↑sensitivity, ↑sentiment, ↑setback, ↑settlement, ↑showdown, ↑significance, ↑situation, ↑skill, ↑slant, ↑slogan, ↑smear, ↑society, ↑sociology, ↑solidarity, ↑solution, ↑sophistication, ↑sovereignty, ↑spectrum, ↑speech, ↑sphere, ↑spin, ↑spotlight, ↑squabble, ↑stability, ↑stage, ↑stagnation, ↑stake, ↑stalemate, ↑stance, ↑standing, ↑standpoint, ↑statement, ↑stature, ↑stir, ↑storm, ↑story, ↑strategy, ↑strife, ↑strike, ↑stripe, ↑structure, ↑struggle, ↑stunt, ↑style, ↑suicide, ↑support, ↑supporter, ↑supremacy, ↑survival, ↑symbol, ↑symbolism, ↑system, ↑tactic, ↑talk, ↑tension, ↑term, ↑terror, ↑test, ↑theatre, ↑theory, ↑thinker, ↑thinking, ↑thought, ↑threat, ↑thriller, ↑thrust, ↑tide, ↑tie, ↑tolerance, ↑tone, ↑tool, ↑touch, ↑tradition, ↑transformation, ↑triumph, ↑trouble, ↑turmoil, ↑turning point, ↑tyranny, ↑uncertainty, ↑undertone, ↑unification, ↑union, ↑unity, ↑unrest, ↑upheaval, ↑vacuum, ↑value, ↑vendetta, ↑viability, ↑victory, ↑view, ↑viewpoint, ↑violence, ↑virtue, ↑vision, ↑vocabulary, ↑vulnerability, ↑watershed, ↑weakness, ↑weight, ↑whim, ↑wilderness, ↑will, ↑wind, ↑wing, ↑wisdom, ↑writer, ↑writing
Collocations dictionary. 2013.