
Very is used with these nouns: ↑antithesis, ↑brink, ↑centre, ↑core, ↑corner, ↑day, ↑edge, ↑end, ↑essence, ↑existence, ↑fundamentals, ↑heart, ↑instant, ↑minimum, ↑moment, ↑opposite, ↑reason, ↑root, ↑slippery slope, ↑soul, ↑start, ↑summit, ↑thing, ↑tip, ↑top, ↑word
Very is used with these adjectives: ↑able, ↑absorbed, ↑abstract, ↑abusive, ↑acceptable, ↑accessible, ↑accomplished, ↑accurate, ↑active, ↑adaptable, ↑addictive, ↑adept, ↑adequate, ↑admirable, ↑advanced, ↑advantageous, ↑afraid, ↑aggressive, ↑aggrieved, ↑agitated, ↑agreeable, ↑alarmed, ↑alarming, ↑alert, ↑alien, ↑alike, ↑alive, ↑ambiguous, ↑ambitious, ↑ambivalent, ↑amiable, ↑amused, ↑amusing, ↑ancient, ↑angry, ↑annoyed, ↑annoying, ↑anxious, ↑apologetic, ↑apparent, ↑appealing, ↑applicable, ↑apprehensive, ↑appropriate, ↑articulate, ↑artificial, ↑ashamed, ↑assured, ↑astute, ↑attached, ↑attractive, ↑authoritarian, ↑aware, ↑awkward, ↑backward, ↑bad, ↑bad-tempered, ↑bare, ↑barren, ↑battered, ↑beautiful, ↑believable, ↑beneficial, ↑best, ↑bewildered, ↑bewildering, ↑biased, ↑big, ↑bitter, ↑bizarre, ↑black, ↑bleak, ↑blonde, ↑bold, ↑bored, ↑boring, ↑brave, ↑breathless, ↑breezy, ↑brief, ↑bright, ↑broad, ↑brown, ↑bureaucratic, ↑businesslike, ↑busy, ↑calm, ↑candid, ↑capable, ↑careful, ↑careless, ↑casual, ↑cautious, ↑central, ↑certain, ↑challenging, ↑chaotic, ↑characteristic, ↑charming, ↑cheap, ↑cheerful, ↑chilly, ↑civil, ↑claustrophobic, ↑clean, ↑clear, ↑clever, ↑close, ↑cloudy, ↑coherent, ↑cold, ↑comfortable, ↑comforting, ↑comical, ↑commendable, ↑committed, ↑common, ↑commonplace, ↑comparable, ↑compassionate, ↑compatible, ↑compelling, ↑competent, ↑competitive, ↑complacent, ↑complete, ↑complex, ↑complicated, ↑complimentary, ↑composed, ↑comprehensive, ↑concentrated, ↑concerned, ↑confident, ↑confused, ↑confusing, ↑congested, ↑conscious, ↑conservative, ↑consistent, ↑conspicuous, ↑constipated, ↑contagious, ↑contemporary, ↑content, ↑contented, ↑contentious, ↑contrived, ↑controversial, ↑convenient, ↑conventional, ↑convincing, ↑cool, ↑cordial, ↑corrosive, ↑corrupt, ↑cosmopolitan, ↑costly, ↑courageous, ↑courteous, ↑coy, ↑creamy, ↑creative, ↑credible, ↑creditable, ↑creepy, ↑critical, ↑cross, ↑crowded, ↑crucial, ↑cruel, ↑curious, ↑curly, ↑cynical, ↑damaging, ↑damp, ↑dangerous, ↑daring, ↑dark, ↑dated, ↑debatable, ↑decent, ↑deceptive, ↑decorative, ↑dedicated, ↑deep, ↑defensive, ↑degrading, ↑delicate, ↑demanding, ↑dependable, ↑dependent, ↑depressed, ↑depressing, ↑deprived, ↑descriptive, ↑deserving, ↑desirable, ↑desperate, ↑despondent, ↑destructive, ↑detached, ↑detailed, ↑determined, ↑detrimental, ↑developed, ↑devoted, ↑different, ↑difficult, ↑dignified, ↑direct, ↑dirty, ↑disabled, ↑disadvantaged, ↑disappointed, ↑disappointing, ↑disapproving, ↑disconcerting, ↑dishonest, ↑disillusioned, ↑dismal, ↑dismissive, ↑disorganized, ↑disreputable, ↑disruptive, ↑dissatisfied, ↑dissimilar, ↑distant, ↑distasteful, ↑distinct, ↑distinctive, ↑distracted, ↑distraught, ↑distressing, ↑disturbed, ↑disturbing, ↑diverse, ↑divisive, ↑domesticated, ↑dominant, ↑doubtful, ↑dramatic, ↑drunk, ↑dry, ↑dubious, ↑dull, ↑dumb, ↑dynamic, ↑eager, ↑early, ↑easy, ↑eccentric, ↑economical, ↑edgy, ↑educated, ↑eerie, ↑effective, ↑efficient, ↑elaborate, ↑elated, ↑elegant, ↑eloquent, ↑elusive, ↑embarrassed, ↑embarrassing, ↑emotional, ↑emotive, ↑emphatic, ↑empty, ↑encouraging, ↑energetic, ↑engrossed, ↑enigmatic, ↑enjoyable, ↑entertaining, ↑enthusiastic, ↑envious, ↑erect, ↑erotic, ↑erratic, ↑essential, ↑even, ↑evident, ↑evil, ↑exceptional, ↑excitable, ↑excited, ↑exciting, ↑exclusive, ↑exhausting, ↑expensive, ↑experienced, ↑explicit, ↑explosive, ↑exposed, ↑expressive, ↑extravagant, ↑extreme, ↑faint, ↑fair, ↑faithful, ↑false, ↑familiar, ↑famous, ↑far-fetched, ↑fascinating, ↑fashionable, ↑fast, ↑fat, ↑favourable, ↑fearful, ↑fed up, ↑feminine, ↑fertile, ↑fickle, ↑fine, ↑firm, ↑fishy, ↑fit, ↑fitting, ↑fixed, ↑flammable, ↑flat, ↑flattered, ↑flattering, ↑flexible, ↑fluid, ↑flushed, ↑fond, ↑foolish, ↑foreign, ↑forlorn, ↑formal, ↑formidable, ↑forthright, ↑fortunate, ↑fragile, ↑fragrant, ↑frail, ↑frank, ↑frequent, ↑fresh, ↑friendly, ↑frightened, ↑frightening, ↑frosty, ↑fruitful, ↑frustrated, ↑frustrating, ↑full, ↑fundamental, ↑funny, ↑fuzzy, ↑generous, ↑gentle, ↑genuine, ↑gifted, ↑glad, ↑glamorous, ↑gloomy, ↑good, ↑good-looking, ↑grateful, ↑gratifying, ↑great, ↑gregarious, ↑grey, ↑gruesome, ↑guilty, ↑handsome, ↑handy, ↑haphazard, ↑happy, ↑hard, ↑harmful, ↑harsh, ↑hazardous, ↑hazy, ↑healthy, ↑heavy, ↑helpful, ↑heroic, ↑hierarchical, ↑hoarse, ↑homesick, ↑homogeneous, ↑honest, ↑honourable, ↑honoured, ↑hopeful, ↑hostile, ↑hot, ↑humiliating, ↑humorous, ↑hungry, ↑hurt, ↑hurtful, ↑ignorant, ↑ill, ↑illuminating, ↑imaginative, ↑immature, ↑immoral, ↑impatient, ↑imperfect, ↑impersonal, ↑impertinent, ↑implausible, ↑important, ↑impractical, ↑imprecise, ↑impressed, ↑impressionable, ↑impressive, ↑improbable, ↑inaccurate, ↑inadequate, ↑inappropriate, ↑inclined, ↑incomplete, ↑inconsistent, ↑inconvenient, ↑independent, ↑indifferent, ↑indignant, ↑ineffective, ↑inefficient, ↑inexpensive, ↑inexperienced, ↑infectious, ↑inferior, ↑inflexible, ↑influential, ↑informal, ↑informative, ↑infrequent, ↑ingenious, ↑inhibited, ↑innocent, ↑inquisitive, ↑insecure, ↑insensitive, ↑insignificant, ↑insistent, ↑inspiring, ↑instructive, ↑instrumental, ↑insulting, ↑intelligent, ↑intense, ↑intensive, ↑interactive, ↑interested, ↑interesting, ↑intolerant, ↑intricate, ↑intriguing, ↑intrusive, ↑intuitive, ↑inventive, ↑inviting, ↑involved, ↑ironic, ↑irregular, ↑irresponsible, ↑irritated, ↑irritating, ↑isolated, ↑jealous, ↑junior, ↑keen, ↑kind, ↑knowledgeable, ↑lame, ↑large, ↑late, ↑lazy, ↑legitimate, ↑lengthy, ↑lenient, ↑liberal, ↑light, ↑light-headed, ↑likeable, ↑likely, ↑limited, ↑limp, ↑literate, ↑loaded, ↑logical, ↑lonely, ↑long, ↑long-lived, ↑lost, ↑loud, ↑lovely, ↑low, ↑low-key, ↑loyal, ↑lucky, ↑lucrative, ↑luxurious, ↑lyrical, ↑mad, ↑magical, ↑male, ↑manageable, ↑marked, ↑marketable, ↑masculine, ↑mature, ↑mean, ↑mellow, ↑memorable, ↑menacing, ↑mild, ↑militant, ↑minor, ↑miserable, ↑misleading, ↑mixed, ↑mobile, ↑moderate, ↑modest, ↑moist, ↑motivated, ↑moving, ↑muddled, ↑muddy, ↑mundane, ↑muted, ↑naive, ↑narrow, ↑nasty, ↑natural, ↑neat, ↑needy, ↑negative, ↑nervous, ↑new, ↑nice, ↑noisy, ↑normal, ↑noticeable, ↑novel, ↑numerous, ↑nutritious, ↑objective, ↑obscure, ↑observant, ↑obvious, ↑odd, ↑off-putting, ↑offensive, ↑oily, ↑old, ↑old-fashioned, ↑one-sided, ↑opaque, ↑open, ↑opposed, ↑optimistic, ↑orderly, ↑ordinary, ↑organized, ↑oriented, ↑original, ↑ornate, ↑orthodox, ↑overcast, ↑overcrowded, ↑overgrown, ↑overweight, ↑painful, ↑pale, ↑partial, ↑passive, ↑patchy, ↑patient, ↑patriotic, ↑patronizing, ↑peaceful, ↑peculiar, ↑peeved, ↑perceptive, ↑permissive, ↑perplexed, ↑persistent, ↑personal, ↑persuasive, ↑pertinent, ↑pervasive, ↑perverse, ↑pessimistic, ↑philosophical, ↑plain, ↑plausible, ↑pleasant, ↑pleased, ↑pleasing, ↑pleasurable, ↑poetic, ↑poignant, ↑poisonous, ↑polite, ↑political, ↑popular, ↑portable, ↑positive, ↑possessive, ↑possible, ↑potent, ↑powerful, ↑practical, ↑pragmatic, ↑precious, ↑precise, ↑predictable, ↑pregnant, ↑prejudiced, ↑preoccupied, ↑presentable, ↑prestigious, ↑pretty, ↑privileged, ↑probable, ↑productive, ↑professional, ↑proficient, ↑profitable, ↑progressive, ↑prolific, ↑prolonged, ↑prominent, ↑promising, ↑prone, ↑pronounced, ↑proper, ↑prosperous, ↑protective, ↑proud, ↑provocative, ↑prudent, ↑puzzled, ↑questionable, ↑quick, ↑quiet, ↑radical, ↑rapid, ↑rare, ↑rational, ↑reactionary, ↑readable, ↑ready, ↑real, ↑realistic, ↑reasonable, ↑reassuring, ↑recent, ↑red, ↑reflective, ↑refreshing, ↑regrettable, ↑regular, ↑relaxed, ↑relevant, ↑reliable, ↑relieved, ↑religious, ↑reluctant, ↑remarkable, ↑reminiscent, ↑remote, ↑repellent, ↑repetitive, ↑representative, ↑repressed, ↑repulsive, ↑reputable, ↑resentful, ↑reserved, ↑resilient, ↑resistant, ↑resourceful, ↑respectable, ↑responsible, ↑responsive, ↑restrained, ↑restricted, ↑restrictive, ↑revealing, ↑rewarding, ↑rich, ↑rigid, ↑ripe, ↑risky, ↑romantic, ↑rude, ↑rural, ↑sad, ↑safe, ↑sarcastic, ↑satisfactory, ↑satisfied, ↑satisfying, ↑savage, ↑scarce, ↑scared, ↑sceptical, ↑secluded, ↑secret, ↑secretive, ↑secure, ↑seductive, ↑selective, ↑self-conscious, ↑self-contained, ↑selfish, ↑senior, ↑sensible, ↑sensitive, ↑separate, ↑serene, ↑serious, ↑settled, ↑severe, ↑sexy, ↑shaken, ↑shaky, ↑shallow, ↑sharp, ↑shocked, ↑shocking, ↑short, ↑shy, ↑sick, ↑significant, ↑silly, ↑similar, ↑simple, ↑simplistic, ↑sincere, ↑sinister, ↑skilful, ↑skilled, ↑skinny, ↑slack, ↑sleepy, ↑slender, ↑slight, ↑slim, ↑slimy, ↑slippery, ↑slow, ↑small, ↑smart, ↑smooth, ↑smug, ↑soft, ↑solemn, ↑solid, ↑soluble, ↑sombre, ↑soothing, ↑sophisticated, ↑sorry, ↑sound, ↑sour, ↑spacious, ↑specialized, ↑specific, ↑spectacular, ↑spicy, ↑spiritual, ↑spooky, ↑square, ↑stable, ↑staid, ↑stale, ↑startled, ↑static, ↑steady, ↑steep, ↑sterile, ↑sticky, ↑stiff, ↑still, ↑stimulating, ↑straightforward, ↑strained, ↑strange, ↑stressed, ↑stressful, ↑striking, ↑strong, ↑stupid, ↑subdued, ↑subjective, ↑subtle, ↑subversive, ↑successful, ↑suggestive, ↑suitable, ↑suited, ↑sunny, ↑superficial, ↑supple, ↑supportive, ↑sure, ↑surprised, ↑surprising, ↑susceptible, ↑suspect, ↑suspicious, ↑sweaty, ↑sweet, ↑swift, ↑swollen, ↑symbolic, ↑sympathetic, ↑talented, ↑tall, ↑tame, ↑tanned, ↑tasteful, ↑taxing, ↑tearful, ↑technical, ↑tedious, ↑temperamental, ↑temporary, ↑tender, ↑tense, ↑terrible, ↑thankful, ↑thick, ↑thin, ↑threadbare, ↑threatening, ↑tidy, ↑tight, ↑tiny, ↑tired, ↑tolerant, ↑touched, ↑tough, ↑toxic, ↑traditional, ↑tragic, ↑tranquil, ↑transparent, ↑traumatic, ↑treacherous, ↑trivial, ↑troubled, ↑true, ↑truthful, ↑typical, ↑ugly, ↑unbalanced, ↑uncertain, ↑uncharacteristic, ↑uncomfortable, ↑uncommon, ↑understandable, ↑undesirable, ↑undignified, ↑uneasy, ↑unexpected, ↑unfair, ↑unfamiliar, ↑unfashionable, ↑unfit, ↑unfortunate, ↑unfriendly, ↑unhappy, ↑uninhibited, ↑unlikely, ↑unlucky, ↑unnatural, ↑unorthodox, ↑unpleasant, ↑unpopular, ↑unreal, ↑unreasonable, ↑unstable, ↑unsuitable, ↑unsure, ↑untidy, ↑unusual, ↑unwell, ↑up to date, ↑uplifting, ↑upset, ↑uptight, ↑urgent, ↑used to, ↑useful, ↑usual, ↑vague, ↑valid, ↑valuable, ↑variable, ↑varied, ↑versatile, ↑vicious, ↑vigilant, ↑vigorous, ↑violent, ↑visible, ↑vital, ↑vivid, ↑vocal, ↑volatile, ↑vulnerable, ↑warm, ↑wary, ↑weak, ↑wealthy, ↑weary, ↑weird, ↑welcome, ↑wet, ↑white, ↑wide, ↑widespread, ↑wild, ↑willing, ↑wise, ↑wobbly, ↑worried, ↑worrying, ↑worthwhile, ↑worthy, ↑wrinkled, ↑wrong, ↑young

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • very — very, much 1. The uses of very and much as intensifying adverbs are for the most part complementary. Very qualifies adjectives and adverbs (very large / very slowly), whereas much qualifies past participles that are used as adjectives (a much… …   Modern English usage

  • Very — Ver y, a. [Compar. {Verier}; superl. {Veriest}.] [OE. verai, verray, OF. verai, vrai, F. vrai, (assumed) LL. veracus, for L. verax true, veracious, fr. verus true; akin to OHG. & OS. w[=a]r, G. wahr, D. waar; perhaps originally, that is or exists …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Very — Véry Véry Pays  France …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Very — may refer to: * Very, an English adverb, expression of comparative degree. *Very (album) by the Pet Shop Boys *Very (lunar crater) *Very (crater on Mars)People with the surname Very: *Jones Very, poet *Frank Washington Very, astronomer …   Wikipedia

  • Very — Студийный альбом Pet Shop Boys …   Википедия

  • very — [ver′ē] adj. [ME verai, true < OFr < VL * veraius < L verus, true < IE * weros, true < base * wer , to be friendly, true > Ger wahr, true, OE wær, a compact] 1. in the fullest sense; complete; absolute [the very opposite of the… …   English World dictionary

  • Very — Ver y, adv. In a high degree; to no small extent; exceedingly; excessively; extremely; as, a very great mountain; a very bright sum; a very cold day; the river flows very rapidly; he was very much hurt. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Very — puede hacer referencia a: Very, cráter del planeta Marte. Very, cráter de La Luna. Frank Very, astrónomo norteamericano (1852 1927). Very (álbum), un álbum de 1993 de Pet Shop Boys. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Véry — País …   Wikipedia Español

  • very — ► ADVERB 1) in a high degree. 2) (with superlative or own) without qualification: the very best quality. ► ADJECTIVE 1) actual; precise. 2) emphasizing an extreme point in time or space. 3) with no addition; mere …   English terms dictionary

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